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3 by 4

Wellington, NZ


Elevation render with modern town houses in profiled metal cladding

Seeking to intensify an underused site in an inner-city borough in Wellington, 3 by 4 is a proposal to remove an existing bungalow and replace it with four modern dwellings. 

Occupying a prominent corner site, the four new homes are propped up off street level on a continuous concrete plinth which borders both street boundaries. The plinth provides various points of entry (punch through, alcove, courtyard) and creates a base to place each dwelling on.

Rear yards connected to living spaces orient to the west for afternoon and evening sun as well as outlook towards the town belt.

The narrow, gabled forms of the building recall common typologies in the area - villas, row houses, and other character housing. 

Closer image at angle of metal clad duplex with large windows
Modern home with private, sheltered courtyard at street corner, with metal balcony above
Aerial render of 4 modern town houses with generous timber decks
3 by 4 floor plan drawings

© 2024 Melling Architects Limited,

26 Egmont Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011  |  Company Registration Number 1754368

Affiliations Logos - RIBA, NZRAB, NZIA
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